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Sunday, December 18, 2011




v     Introduction
v     Meaning
v     Definition and Scope, Need and importance of Educational Technology
v     Utility of Educational Technology
v     Models of Educational Technology
o       Teaching Technology
o       Instructional Technology
o       Behavioural Technology and their educational Implications

            The term “technology’ is derived from the Greek Concept “Tekhne” which means craft, art, skill and science. “Tekhnikos” refers to something that is skillfully and expertly produced.

            Educational Technology means the sum total of all educational facilities, media, methods and techniques for optimizing / best learning. It involves facilitation of learning through resource mobilization and utilization of learning principles. In this sense educational technology means how best the available resources are utilized for optimizing learning. Educational technology has potentialities to make education effective and mass based and bring in desirable functional changes in the structure of education.
Ashby’s says, “Any technology, which increases the rate of learning, would enable the teacher to teach less and the learner to learn more”
The term technology implies the application of science to art. When we apply the science of learning and communication to teaching we evolve a technology.
Educational Technology can be conceived as a science of techniques and methods by which educational goals can be realized.
The industrial development and technical advancement, sophisticated scientific instruments, mass media and educational materials were being used. It brought the use of sophisticated hardware and software like radio, TV, tape recorder, films, transparency etc., in the field of education

            In order to understand the definitions of educational technology, we should first understand the terms ‘education’ and ‘technology’ and then the term ‘educational technology’ as such
Definition of Education
            Education is the development of the power of adaptation to an ever changing social environment.
Definition of Technology
            It is a science of techniques and methods of doing / getting things done, related to any art, science or to a particular profession.
Definition of Educational Technology
            G.O.Leith - “Educational technology is the systematic application of scientific knowledge about teaching-learning conditions of learning to improve the efficiency of teaching and training”                         
S.S.Kulkarni – “Educational technology may be defined as the application of the laws as well as recent discoveries of science and technology to the process of education”.
Shiv K.Mitra – “Educational technology can be concerned as a science of techniques and methods by which education goals could be realized”.
            The concept is used in two senses
1. The use of mass media and audio-visual aids in education
            The term mass media stands for dissemination of information, ideas and entertainment by the use of communication media.  It often projects the picture of educational hardware – teaching machines, film-projectors, slide projectors, language laboratories, tape recorders, cassettes, computers etc. Various sorts of technical equipment and audio-visual aids in the classroom must lend to increased efficiency.
2. Utilization of all Available Resources
            In the second sense of the term, the concept of educational technology is quite comprehensive which takes into account the available resources in their system and their uses to optimize teaching-learning process. The soft wares are used by the teacher in the classroom effectively and efficiently so as to get the desired results.
Middle course
            In between these two extremes there are people who think that although a teacher is the key figure in the overall teaching-learning process. His educational outputs can be optimized, judiciously uses modern methods, techniques, approaches, media etc. In an efficient learning system, some learning could still take place even if the teacher is not good.

  1. Educational Technology has contributed in developing various methods for example micro-teaching method, audio-visual aids, programmed learning method and interaction analysis.
  2. In the field of educational technology science technology system, art, audio-visual aids and machines are used.
  3. Educational technology is based on the application of the scientific knowledge.
  4. It is helpful in making the teaching process easy, clear, interesting and scientific.
  5. A desired change is possible in the behavior of teachers and pupils.
  6. It encourages learning by controlling the environment.
  7. It is a continuous dynamic technology

            Educational technology got developed as a new subject in the field of education. The term ‘education’ includes teaching, learning, instruction and training. Similarly the scope of educational technology is also much wider. The below mentioned technologies are included in it.
-         behavioural technology
-         instructional technology
-         teaching technology
-         instructional design
-         training psychology
Working areas of Educational Technology
1. Area of Curriculum construction
            In the present technological and psychological age, the application of scientific and technological knowledge is much essential for the curriculum construction. The curriculum construction has become a very tedious job in the field of education. The task of the curriculum construction can be simplified with the help of educational technology.
2. Selection of Audio-visual material
            Another important working area of Educational technology is that the teacher can select easily the audio-visual aids with its assistance.
3. Development of Teaching-learning material
            (Based on objectives, designed curriculum and available resources)
            Educational technology tries to discuss the essential techniques of developing software and instructional material like programmed learning material, computer assisted learning material, mass media, instructional material etc.
4. Teacher preparation or Teacher training
            A teacher is a key figure in any process of teaching and learning. Educational Technology therefore, takes care of the proper preparation of the teachers for exercising their complex responsibilities. For this purpose it includes micro teaching, team teaching, teacher effectiveness, modification of teacher behaviour.
5. Development and Selection of the teaching-learning strategies and tactics
            This aspects deals with the central problem of teaching-learning act. Here Educational technology tries to describe the ways and means of discovering, selecting and developing suitable strategies and tactics of teaching in terms of the optimum learning and available teaching-learning resources, the availability of the different types of teaching methods, and models of teaching.

6. Effective utilization of the hardware (and mass media)
            Various sophisticated instruments, equipment and communication devices brought through mechanization and electronics revolution are playing an effective role in the attainment of educational objectives.
7. To provide essential feed-back and control through evaluation
            Educational technology is essentially concerned with the task of exercising appropriate control over the process of teaching and learning by planning and devising suitable tools and devices for the continuous evaluation of the process and products of the teaching-learning activities. Such evaluation provides an appropriate feed back to the learners as well as teachers for bringing necessary improvement at the preparatory and implementation stages of their specific acts.
            In this way educational technology is concerned with all the variables, levels, and aspects of the teaching-learning process. In brief, it works for overall planning and organization of the system/sub-systems of education. It helps all those who are connected in any way, directly or indirectly to the processes and products of education. It teaches the teachers the art of teaching, the learners the science of learning, the educational planners, the structure of planning and administrators/managers, the skill of managing or administrating the task of teaching and learning. It works for the individualization of instructions as well as for improving the group-dynamics of the classroom.

I. Objectives at the Macro level (in view of the broad educational goals)
  1. To identify educational needs and aspirations of the community.
  2. To determine the aims of education broad strategies and structure of education.
  3. To develop a suitable curriculum with interaction of science, art and human values.
  4. To identify man-material resources and strategies for achieving the stipulated aims of education.
  5. To develop certain models leading to improvements of the process of teaching and learning.
  6. To develop the appropriate aids and equipment to meet the educational purposes.
  7. To help in extending educational opportunities to masses especially neglected sectors of community.
  8. To manage the whole educational system covering planning, implementation and evaluation phases.
II. Objectives at the Micro level (in view of the specific classroom teaching)
  1. To identify and analyse the characteristics and educational needs of the pupils.
  2. To determine the specific classroom objectives and state them in behavioural terms.
  3. To analyse the contents of instruction and organize it in proper sequence.
  4. To identify the available teaching-learning material and resources.
  5. To identify the nature of the interaction of the sub-systems like students, teachers, teaching-learning material, content of instruction and methodologies.
  6. To plan the teaching strategies and utilize the man material resources for the attainment of specific classroom objectives.
  7. to evaluate the effectiveness of the classroom teaching in terms of the pupil’s performance or change in behaviour.
  8. To provide appropriate feedback to the pupils as well as teachers to bring modification in the teaching-learning process.

The following are the major objectives of Educational Technology
·        To create desirable modifications in the behaviours of the teachers and pupils by improving the teaching, learning and evaluation conditions.
·        To make the classroom teaching easy, clear, interesting, effective, understandable, objective and scientific.
·        To help in increasing various facilities by solving the most complicated problems of human life so that the human life may carry on its progress continuously.

Educational technology has revolutionized the education system. It has greatly influenced the teaching-learning process. The great importance of educational technology is in the formulation and development of teaching theory.
1. Increasing the effectiveness of Teaching-learning process
Educational technology brings desired improvement in teaching-learning process by making it effective. It develops to the maximum the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of the pupils.
2. Maximizing the output
            Educational technology maximizes the learning facilities because it uses the principles given by Psychology, Sociology, Maths, Engineering and other social and scientific subjects. Their input maximizes their output in the form of their competency by this technology.
3. Optimum use of Resources
            Educational technology emphasizes the maximum use of available resources in the learning situations, which may benefit all the pupils. Teaching technology has developed the techniques like radio and TV with which appreciable assistance has been sought for the expansion of mass education.

The following are the major advantages of educational technology
  1. It helps in improving teaching learning process and makes it more purposive.
  2. The common man has got radio and transistor which can be used for education purpose.
  3. The mass education has reduced the standard of education. The use of educational technology can maintain and improve the standard by the use teaching aids and programmed instruction materials.
  4. The correspondence education can be made more effective by the use if radio, TV, tape record and programmed instruction.
  5. Educational administrative problems can be solved scientifically with the help of system analysis.
  6. It helps in understanding the structure and nature of teaching. Teaching models can be developed for achieving different objectives of education.
  7. The major problem of teaching –learning has been to facilitate individual differences of the learners. The educational technology has developed new innovative practices and strategies for this purpose.
  8. The educational technology provides the scientific foundation to education develops theories of teaching and instruction.

            Educational technology has great potential for improving the teaching-learning process.
1. Individualised Instruction
            Educational Technology is very helpful in individualizing instruction by enabling us to make use of self instructional programmes.
2. Improvement in the Quality of Teaching
            Educational Technology assists in the improvement of the teaching-learning process by enabling us to use more varied, rich and motivational progrmmes through TV and other media.
3. Meeting the problem of mass education
            Educational Technology helps in using programmes developed by experts for a large population of students with the use of computers and TV, etc.
4. Equalizing Educational Opportunity
            Educational Technology assists us in making efforts for equalizing educational opportunities irrespective of economic, social and geographical status of the learners.
5. Providing Continuing Education
            TV lessons and self instructional programmed material sent to the learners or to in service personal and vocational workers help them to keep themselves abreast of the latest material.

            The following are the major functions of educational technology.
  1. Identification of the educational goals and objectives of the community.
  2. Developing appropriate curriculum for the achievement of the stipulated goals.
  3. Analysing the process of teaching and learning.
  4. Developing suitable teaching-learning material.
  5. Selecting and developing proper teaching-learning strategies for obtaining optimum results.
  6. Developing and selecting appropriate audio-visual aids.
  7. Utilizing effectively the hardware and software media.
  8. Providing essential feedback and control through evaluation.
  9. Prepare teachers in the use of new technology of teaching.

  1. The basis of Educational Technology is science.
  2. Science and technology are used under Educational Technology. Hence, it is the practical aspect of science.
  3. Educational technology is a continuous dynamic, progressive and effect-producing method.
  4. New conceptions are possible only due to Educational technology such as programmed learning, microteaching, video-tape, tape recorder.
  5. Educational technology accepts school as a system. In this system the school building, furniture and teachers act as input while various methods, techniques and the teaching and examination with the help of audio-visual aids function in the form of a process. Lastly, the output is in the form of ability of the pupils.
  6. Engineering Technology is not the Educational technology because the engineering technology has manufactured radio, rate-recorder, video-tape and TV, etc. which are used in teaching as audio-visual aids, but still engineering technology is different from educational technology. In education it is accepted as hardware approach only.
  7. Audio-visual aids cannot be termed as educational technology. It is because its concern is only with the process-aspects of educational technology and not with the input and output aspects. But if these audio visual aids are used to achieve educational objectives, then it can be put in the category of educational technology.
  8. Programmed instruction is also different from educational technology. Its main cause is that the student learns himself during the programmed instructions. It does not allow interaction between pupil and teacher. Hence, it can be used only for limited objectives and limited subject matter. Therefore programmed instruction is merely a part of educational technology.
  9. Educational technology cannot solve each and every problem of education. It can be used successfully in teaching and instructional system only.
  10. Some people assume that educational technology will replace the teacher which will make the teacher unemployed one day. It is their mistake. Educational technology can never replace the teacher.
Need of Educational Technology
-         The ministry of education started an educational technology programme in 1972.
-         It aimed deploying the resources of educational technology for bringing about qualitative improvement in education.(use of TV, radio and film – to improve the quality of education)
Educational Technology Cells (ET Cells)
            ET cells in the state departments of education for promoting the use of ET for the expansion and improvement of education in the state.
Working Group
            In February 1980 the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting set up a working group to draw up a detailed software plan for INSAT TV utilization.. This group was emphasized to develop production capabilities at a decentralized level in order to make the programmes relevant, meaningful and effective. It was therefore, decided by the Ministry of education that the responsibility for the production of educational television programmes would be gradually taken over by the educational authorities from Doordarshan.
Four Proposals have been approved for Implementation
  1. Establishment of a Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET) for promoting and co ordinating production of ETV programmes in the INSAT states (AP, UP, Bihar, Gujarat, Maharastra and Orissa).
  2. Establishment of State Institute of Educational Technology (SIET) in each of the six INSAT states for promoting production of ETV programmes on a localized basis.
  3. Continued implementation of expanded educational technology programme in the remaining states for initiating the creation of production capabilities so that they gain the necessary experience and develop the necessary potential for ready participation in the INSAT programme in due course and
  4. Introduction of the expanded educational technology programme in union territories.
National Workshop
            In December 1980 the Ministry of Education organized a National workshop on Educational Broadcasting in collaboration with AIR, Doordarshan, NCERT and other organization concerned. The main achievement of this workshop was the preparation of draft guidelines for educational broadcasting.
Study Group
            The Ministry of Education had also set up a study group on Radio utilization for education to go into various aspects of the matter. A detailed project for educational radio broadcasts was formulated on the basis of the proposed report.
Regional Colleges
            For immediate improvement in the utilization of radio broadcasts for education, it was proposed to involve the four regional colleges of education, it was proposed to involve the four regional colleges of education of NCERT at Ajmer, Bhopal, Bhuvaneshwar and Mysore to coordinate with the state education departments and AIR. NCERT will prepare guidelines for the regional college for utilization of radio broadcasts for education. It will also prepare radio syllabus.

National Council of Educational Research & Training (NCERT)
            NCERT is the main centre of activities in the field of Educational Technology in India. Through its departments like the Departments of Educational and foundations of education. The centre for Educational Technology and the Department of Teaching Aids, the NCERT has initiated a number of research projects aimed at developing learning systems for formal education as well as for non-formal education in rural area. The main emphasis has been on the production of appropriate software and hardware for the system. It includes development of films, tapeslide lessons, radio programmes, activity guides, programmed texts, etc. NCERT is actively engaged in development of educational play materials, educational toys, picture, books, radio programmes and films etc for providing instruction to children in the age group of 4 to 8.
            Many universities in India have setup training development and research programmes in programmed learning and educational technology. Example, Himachal Pradesh University, Kerala University, Baroda University, Delhi University, Punjab University etc. – playing a leading role in research, development and training in the area of programmed learning and educational technology.

v     Knowledge of technological advancements in the field of education is needed very much by all the teachers. It is ET which provides clear cut information and knowledge to the teachers.
v     The teachers are able to learn how to prepare modules, programmed learning materials etc. That way, they are able to contribute handsomely to the field of education.
v     In the discharge of classroom duties, the teachers are able to handle their techniques more confidently.
v     Some teachers develop more interest in software. They are able to create materials for their students. Thus, the teachers learn how to make maximum use of the hardware aids.
v     ET has become the pillars of education giving support and lending guidance and direction to it.
v     ET has simplified the process of education made the process of teaching-learning easy.


            Teaching is the social and a professional activity. It is a process of development. Teaching is a system of action which induces learning through interpersonal relationship. Teaching technology is the application of philosophical, sociological and scientific knowledge to teaching for achieving some specific learning objectives. Teaching is a purposeful activity. The ultimate goal of teaching is to bring all round development of a child. The knowledge and practice which help in realizing the goal is the content matter of teaching technology. Teaching is an art as well as science because teaching can be studied objectively and scientifically. Teaching has the scientific foundation. This has evolved the concept of teaching technology. I.K. Devies, Robert Gagne, Bruner and Robert Glaser have contributed significantly in this area of education.
            Technology of teaching is based on the following assumptions.
  1. Teaching is a scientific process and it has tow major components: content and communication.
  2. The desired learning structure may be generated with the help of appropriate teaching situations.
  3. A close relationship may be established between teaching and learning.
  4. The teaching activities can be modified and improved.
  5. Teaching skill can be developed with the help of feedback devices.
  6. The learning objectives may be achieved by performing teaching activities.

I.K. Davis and Robert Glaser (1962) have developed the content of technology of teaching and classified into four elements.
v     Planning of Teaching
v     Organization of Teaching
v     Leading of Teaching
v     Controlling of Teaching

Robert Glaser has also provided four steps of teaching as a basic teaching model.
v     Instructional objectives
v     Entering behaviours
v     Instructional procedures
v     Performance assessment
Main Features of Teaching Technology
  1. All the three type objectives: Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor can be achieved by this technology.
  2. The content structure can be related to communication structure for achieving the learning objectives.
  3. The philosophical, sociological, psychological and scientific knowledge can be applied to teaching process.
  4. The teaching can be organized from memory level to reflective level.
  5. The teaching process can be made effective with the help of teaching technology.
  6. The pupil-teachers and in-service teachers can improve his teaching and make it more purposive by the use of the teaching technology.
  7. Teaching technology implies the input, process and output aspects side by side.
  8. The teaching theories can be formulated by the use of teaching technology.

            Psychology is the science of behaviour. It studies the nature and structure of behaviour of the organisms. The learning is the modification of behaviour through activities and experiences. The educational activities are designed too bring desirable changes in the behaviour of the students. The psychology deals with the every type of human behaviour. Thus the behavioural technology has the wider field than educational technology. It covers the area of industry, defence, commerce, communication, administration, health, motivation, training, education, teaching and instruction. These area require the specific type of behaviours.

            B.F. Skinner has referred the term behavioural technology in his Technology of Teaching. The teaching and instruction activities are organized to achieve specific learning objectives by bringing the desirable behaviour change among the students. Thus, the teaching and instructional technology are the two forms of behavioural technology. But in the field of education it refers mainly to the teacher behaviour. The behavioural technology is the application of scientific knowledge in modifying the teacher behaviour. This is also termed as training technology.

  1. Teacher behaviour is observable.
  2. Teacher behaviour is measurable and quantifiable.
  3. Teacher behaviour is relative.
  4. Teacher behaviour is social and psychological.
  5. Teacher behavior is modifiable.

The theory and practice of classroom of teacher behaviour are included in behaviour technology. The behavioural technology does not confine only to study the classroom teacher behaviour but mechanism of feedback devices for modification of teacher behaviour are also employed for developing teaching skills.

Main Features of Behavioural Technology
  1. It has the focus to achieve the psychomotor objectives. The specific teaching skills can be developed.
  2. The classroom behaviour components and flow to behaviour can be studied and suggestions can be given for desirable change.
  3. The knowledge and practice of behavioural technology may be an important instrument for training colleges to produce effective teachers.
  4. The proper reinforcement can be provided to pupil-teachers during teaching practice.
  5. The content and communication aspects can be improved by the use of feedback devices.
  6. The individual differences of pupil-teachers can be considered in providing the training of teaching.
  7. The teaching performance can be evaluated objectively and systematically.
  8. It may be helpful in developing the theory of teaching.

The instruction has significant role in human learning because most of the human learning is accomplished through instruction while animal learning through conditioning.
The systematic actions which induce learning is known as instruction. The instruction stands for development of knowledge and beliefs. Instructional technology means a net work of techniques or devices employed to accomplish certain defined set of learning objectives. Instructional technology implies the application of psychological and scientific principles and knowledge to instruction for achieving the specific objectives of learning. The origin of instructional technology is from psychological laboratory experiments. The most important example of instructional technology is programmed instruction.

  1. The content matter can be divided into its elements and each element can be presented independently.
  2. The external learning conditions can be created by arranging the elements in a logical sequence.
  3. The appropriate reinforcement can be provided continuously by the use of instruction.
  4. The student can learn according to his needs and rate of learning.
  5. The strategies and tactics of instruction can be used for achieving certain well defined set of instructional objectives.
  6. The student can learn successfully with out the physical presence of a teacher.

The instructional technology can consist of the following content.
  1. Meaning and definition of instructional technology.
  2. Definition of programmed instruction and its origin.
  3. Meaning, assumptions and structure of linear programming and its principles.
  4. Definition, assumptions, principles and structure of branching programming.
  5. Meaning, assumptions, principles and instruction of mathematical programming.
  6. Learner controlled instruction and computer assisted instruction.
  7. Development of programmed instruction material a) planning b) writing frames c) evaluation.
  8. Adjustive devices for controlling individual differences.

Main Features of Instructional Technology
1.      The cognitive objectives can be achieved effectively by the use of instructional technology
2.      The learner gets an opportunity to learn according to his own pace. Thus, the individual differences are controlled in this technology
3.      The responses of the students are confirmed for providing the reinforcement continuously.
4.      The instructional technology incorporates the psychological learning theories and principles.
5.      The learning external conditions, continuity practice and reinforcement are created with the help of instruction.
6.      The instructional theory may be developed by using this technology in learning process.
7.      The instructional technology can be employed in shortage of effective teachers.
8.      It provides the deep insight into the content structure and sequence of its elements.

            Various forms of ET give us a vivid picture of its multi-dimensional approach to education to make it more systematic and precise. Since education has become a separate discipline, it has to have its vertical and horizontal expansions. So it has come up with its various forms to be in different contexts to make education meaningful.

Differences among Teaching Technology, Instructional Technology and Behavioural Technology

Teaching Technology
Instructional Technology
Behavioural Technology
Davies, Gagne, Herbert, Hunt, Bruner and Robert Glaser
Skinner, Gilbert, Mager and Glaser
Flanders, Skinner, Anderson and Amidon
Development of cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains
Development of cognitive domain
Development of psychomotor (skills)
Content and communication
Physical approach (Hardware)
Behavioural approach (Software)
Basis/Foundation of teaching
Philosophical, sociological, psychological and scientific
Psychological and scientific basis
Psychological and cybernetics
Playing of teaching
Organization of teaching
Leading of teaching
Controlling of teaching
Task analysis
Formulating objectives in behavioural terms
Reinforcement strategies

Teacher behaviour theories
Teaching models
Observation techniques
Analysis and modifications of teacher behaviour
Levels/Types of teaching and learning
Memory, understanding and reflective
Programmed learning
Learner controlled instruction
Interaction analysis
Team teaching
Art of teaching and science of learning
Input, Process and output
Principles of learning feedback and reinforcement
Role of teacher
As manager
As helper
As an observer, demonstrator
Improving classroom teaching and making it effective and purposive
Self instruction, correspondence education and remedial teaching
Teacher education and teacher training

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